JVCWMA Funding Sources

Funding Sources

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

The Jordan Valley Cooperative Weed Management Area (JVCWMA) operates under several different grant funding sources to provide: organizational capacity, technical assistance and herbicide cost share assistance to private landowners, and state/federal entities.

Owyhee Watershed Council provides grantee and fiscal support to JVCWMA through the following funding sources:

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board is a state agency that provides grants to help Oregonians take care of local streams, rivers, wetlands, and natural areas. Community members and landowners use scientific criteria to decide jointly what needs to be done to conserve and improve rivers and natural habitat in the places where they live. OWEB grants are funded from the Oregon Lottery, federal dollars, and salmon license plate revenue. The agency is led by an 18-member citizen board drawn from the public at large, tribes, and federal and state natural resource agency boards and commissions.

Stakeholder Engagement Grant

Jordan Valley CWMA stakeholder engagement activities such as coordination, training, and development of weed management plans are supported through an OWEB Stakeholder Engagement Grant.  This grant funding runs in three year cycles and provides general capacity and support for the above mentioned activities.

OWEB Restoration Grant

The Jordan Valley CWMA on the ground restoration activities such as herbicide application, and reseeding cost share assistance are supported through an OWEB restoration grant. This grant also runs in a 3 year cycle and provides the cost share needed to support the on-the ground work in noxious weed and annual grass management.

Oregon State Weed Board Grant Program

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) work together to administer the ODA Noxious Weed Grant Program Lottery funded grant program. The implementation of a comprehensive watershed approach to integrated control of noxious weeds is the most effective strategy to minimize impacts and protect natural resources in Oregon from invasive noxious weeds. It is a priority of the Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB) to fund projects that restore and enhance:


Fish and Wildlife Habitat


Watershed Functions


Native Salmonid Populations

ODA Weed Board Grant

JVCWMA applies for ODA Weed Board Grants that are also used to support on the ground weed management activities.  These grants support the restoration actions of the OWEB restoration grant and allows an additional funding source to enhance the number of treatments that can occur each year.

Additional Funding Sources

Periodically the JVCWMA partners with other agencies or entities on a project by project basis and may obtain funding through an agreement with Oregon State Lands, NRCS, Oregon State Parks, or the USFWS partners for fish and wildlife program to facilitate the treatment of noxious weeds.

The JVCWMA also receives assistance from Malheur County Oregon and Owyhee County Idaho for work in each county.