Priority Noxious Weeds

Perennial Pepperweed

Perennial Pepperweed

Lepidium latifolium

Grows up to 6  feet tall, more commonly 3 to 4 feet, with lance shaped basal leaves on long petioles.  Leaves have an obvious white midvein and both leaves and stems are waxy. A bright green form emergence to flowering then turns a darker green with waxy cuticle hardening. Flowers are white with 4 spoon shaped pedals borne in clusters at the branch tips from early summer to fall. Fruits are roundish, slightly hairy, 1/16 inch and contain two tiny smooth oval light brown seeds. Reproduces by both copious seed production and creeping roots. Rhizomatous shoots are formed in the top 6 inches of soil and emerge usually by mid May.


Certain herbicides have proven very effective for the control of Perennial pepperweed. No herbicides have been 100% effective for the control in a single treatment. This can be a difficult plant to control particularly of well established, diligence and patience is required. Chlorsulfuron (Telar XP) and Metsulferon methyl (Escort XP) are very effective herbicides for all perennial mustards. Because of the waxy cuticle a good spray solution surfactant is highly recommended. Mechanical methods are not usually recommended and in most cases serves to stimulate rhizomatous growth and worsen the situation. Burning or intensive grazing in conjunction with herbicide treatment has been very effective.

Modified from Selected Noxious Weeds of Eastern Oregon, Gary Page, Malheur County Weed Inspector.

When using herbicides always read and follow label directions on any chemical. It’s the law!

For more information on noxious weeds and how to properly control them, contact your local CWMA or County Weed Department.

Native to southern Europe and western Asia.  Arrived in Malheur County by the late 1940’s.

Waste areas, ditches, roadsides, cropland and seasonally wet areas. Can be a particular problem in older stands of alfalfa and meadow hay.


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